Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults Policy

The Pod believes that it is always unacceptable for a child or vulnerable adult to experience abuse of any kind and recognises its responsibility to safeguard the welfare of all children and vulnerable adults with whom it works alongside.  The charity is committed to creating and maintaining the safest possible environment for children, young people and adults and acknowledges its duty to act appropriately to any allegations, reports or suspicions of abuse.

This policy applies to all staff, trustees, volunteers, sessional workers, agency staff, visitors, students and anyone working on behalf of The Pod. 

This policy is to be read in conjunction with –

  • Online Safety
  • Social Media Policy 
  • The Code of Conduct for Adults working with Children & Vulnerable Adults’
  • Staff Recruitment and Vetting Policy
  • Risk Assessment Policy and activity risk assessments.   

We use definitions of the term ‘safeguarding’ from statutory guidance.

Safeguarding children is defined in Working together to safeguard children as:

  • protecting children from maltreatment
  • preventing impairment of children’s health or development
  • ensuring that children are growing up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care
  • taking action to enable all children to have the best outcomes

Safeguarding vulnerable adults is defined in the Care and support statutory guidance issued under the Care Act 2014 as:

  • protecting the rights of adults to live in safety, free from abuse and neglect
  • people and organisations working together to prevent and stop both the risks and experience of abuse or neglect
  • people and organisations making sure that the adult’s wellbeing is promoted including, where appropriate, taking fully into account their views, wishes, feelings and beliefs in deciding on any action
  • recognising that adults sometimes have complex interpersonal relationships and may be ambivalent, unclear or unrealistic about their personal circumstances and therefore potential risks to their safety or well-being

We recognise that: 

  • The welfare of the child/vulnerable adult is paramount.
  • Working in partnership with children, vulnerable adults, their parents, carers and relevant agencies is essential in promoting the welfare of children and vulnerable adults.
  • All children and vulnerable adults, regardless of age, disability, gender, racial heritage, religious belief, sexual orientation or identity, have the right to equal protection from all types of harm or abuse as defined by Somerset Safeguarding Children Board (  and Adult Social Care government guidelines ( )as follows;  

Children – Physical, emotional (or psychological), sexual and neglect.

Adults – Physical, emotional (or psychological), sexual, neglect, financial, discriminatory, organisational, domestic abuse, modern slavery and self-neglect.

(For full definitions of these terms see guidance page appendix A, or access the links provided above)

The major pieces of relevant legislation and guidance are:

  • Children Act 1989
  • Children Act 2004
  • Care Act 2014
  • Guidance to the Care Act 2014
  • Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006
  • Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998
  • Data Protection Act 1998
  • European Convention of Human Rights
  • Working Together to Safeguard Children 2015
  • Mental Capacity Act 2005
  • Disclosure and Barring Service
  • Modern Slavery Act 2015

The purpose of the policy: 

  • To promote good practice and work in a way that can prevent harm and abuse occurring;
  • To provide protection for the Children and Vulnerable adults who receive services from the Pod, including the children of adult members or users.
  • To ensure that any allegations of abuse or suspicions are dealt with appropriately and the person experiencing abuse is supported.

Safeguarding children and vulnerable adults is everyone’s responsibility, all staff and representatives should have a basic understanding of their role in protecting children and vulnerable adults. 

The Trustees and Leadership team will; 

  • Ensure that all staff and volunteers are carefully selected and recruited in line with The Pod Staff Vetting Policy, which includes enhanced DBS checks as per government guidelines.  All staff and volunteers are aware they accept responsibility for helping to prevent the abuse of children and vulnerable adults in their care.
  • If a candidate or DBS check discloses an unspent conviction, a suitability assessment form is completed and processed before a decision is made.  
  • Appoint at least two Safeguarding Leads who will take specific responsibility for the protection of children and vulnerable adults and act as the main point of contact for parents, children, adults and outside agencies.  Safeguarding Leads will be DBS (Criminal Records Bureau) checked and will attend refresher Working Together Training at least once every two years.
  • Provide effective management for all colleagues working directly and indirectly with children and vulnerable adults, through supervision, support and annual safeguarding training. 
  • Ensure that risk assessments are carried out for each project, event, or venue to ensure the safety of attendees, staff and volunteers. 
  • The Leadership Team are responsible for ensuring this policy is communicated effectively to all staff, volunteers and visitors, ensuring that all visitors to The Pod read and sign a visitor agreement prior to working with children and vulnerable adults in our care.

It is everyone’s responsibility to;

  • Treat all children and vulnerable adults with whom they come into contact while carrying out their work equally, listening to and respecting them.
  • Ensure they are familiar with and follow all The Pod policies and procedures relating to their work with children and vulnerable adults.
  • Share information about concerns with their Line Manager and agencies who need to know, involve parents and children when it is appropriate to do so. 
  • Ensure they deal with any incidents of abuse or suspected abuse of children and vulnerable adults in accordance with this policy and procedure.
  • Seek additional support from the leadership team if they feel they require further advice or training regarding the protection of children and vulnerable adults. 

We are also committed to reviewing our policy and good practice annually.