JAMM returns

by | Sep 10, 2023

JAMM parent Carer group returns Monday 11th September

With schools back from the summer break, it is time for you to take a pause. Come along to our “Just a Monday Meet Up” – once a month on Monday mornings and meet up with other parent carers. This group is whatever you want to make it. If you have suggestions for what is helpful to you, please let us know and we can try to make it happen.

Facilitated by Pod staff and trustees we will be there with the kettle on and a safe, non-judgmental space to discuss challenges or share tips. Or chill and chat about the everyday stuff of life.

We are at Gorehedge Community Room, Frome BA11 1JB, from 10-12 am.

Following JAMM dates- 2nd Oct, 6th Nov, 4th Dec.

Hope to see you there.

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